Corn School: Is there a Link between Seed Size and Yield Potential?

Does the seed size impact the potential yield growers can expect to combine? On this episode of the RealAgriculture Corn School, PRIDE Seeds agronomist Olivia Noorenberghe notes that all seed, regardless of size, carries the same genetic yield potential. Seed size is typically the product of where the seed develops on the cob — rounds come from the butt and tip of the cob while flats are harvested from the middle. Noorenberghe adds that environment and growing conditions will impact seed size. If seed corn is subjected to drought, for example, kernels across the entire cob tend to be smaller.

There's also seed size variation based based on the traits of parental genetics. Noorenberghe says all seeds in the bag will deliver the same genetic performance and yield when planted into optimum growing conditions. Growers do, however, have to be mindful of planting conditions when planting small round seed into cooler soils that have the potential for crusting. "That's just because they don't have as large of energy reserves as our larger seed sizes. It can be a little bit hard for them to pop out of the ground in those conditions. But if we're planting into those warm soils — they're dry, they're fit — we shouldn't have a problem," says Noorenberghe.